
Monday, June 27, 2011

Cara menembus batas limit ram Windows 7 32bit®

buat agan2 yang masih pake windows 7 32bit tapi pake ram 4gb pastinya g bakalan terbaca penuh 4gb tapi cuman 3.25gb aja yang kedetec karena emg udah di batasin dari microsoftnya...biar ram bisa terbaca penuh 4gb mari ikutin cara² dibawah ini
langsung ke praktek aja .... dlu Pachtnya
4GB-7600_RTM_x86__04.08.2009 [Tested]
4GB-7600_RTM_x86__11.11.2009[Blm di coba]
2.setelah slese download jalankan programnya

Spoiler for SS1:

Spoiler for SS2:

Spoiler for SS3:

Spoiler for SS4:

3.setelah instal slese maka otomatis komputer akan restart sendiri
Spoiler for Hasilnya:

5.Cara Menghilangkan tulisan "test mode windows 7 build 7600" yang di pojok kanan bawah
pake aja RemoveWatermark
6. Cara Menghapus /uninstall pacth ini
start → Run →ketik "msconfig" lalu pilih tab Boot hapus aja system boot yang belakakangnya ada tulisan 128GB/lihat gambar di bwah
Spoiler for gambar:

7. Semunya tergantung Keberuntungan...belum pasti semua berjalan dengan lancar
8. Apabila setelah menginstal pacht ini terjadi BSOD lebih baik di hapus aja pachtnya, saya sarankan migarasi ke versi 64Bit...

Tambahan Info:
This patch will allow the OS to use more than 4 GB of memory. However, it does have a limitation – more than 3 GB of memory cannot be allocated to a single application. This patch is mainly targeted at systems with more than 4 GB of RAM. However, in some cases installing this patch on 4 GB systems will also lead to an increase in available memory (which may not necessarily result in performance improvement). This may appear to be a bit strange since Windows 7 and Vista are technically capable of addressing up to 4 GB of memory. Obviously, there is a logical explanation for this behavior. But, I won’t discuss it here. Refer to Geoff Chappell’s notes on Physical Memory Map if you wish to explore the issue in detail.
Other usefull link:

Percobaan Menggunakan windows 7 SP1 [7601]

Spoiler for Win7SP132Bit:

Spoiler for Tes Mke Memtes(diambil pake kamera coz udah g kuat kompinya :D):

Spoiler for Win7SP132BitPacht:

Spoiler for Tesmke Memtes win7 SP1 pacht:

Spoiler for tampilan SystemBoot setelah di pacht: